Item:Cuban Slave Freedom Purchase
LJTP No.:200.045
Creator:Shelton & Co.
Date:January 3, 1871
Period:Post-Civil War America   1866 – 1900
Keywords:Cuba, Slavery, Freedom
Citation:Document.  Cuban Slave Freedom Purchase.  1871. Library of John T. Pregler, Dubuque. (Source: Library of John T. Pregler)


Most Excellent Lord Governor political

Shelton & Company of this trade seizes two of the succession of D. Bartolomi Morel to Your Excellency with due consideration.

It says: That for conducts of the gentleman Receiver General they have separated from the brunette Feliciana, Creole as of twenty-seven years of the endowment of the Emelie woman. In the party of the Yaguas, the sum of three hundred and fifty pesos for their freedom.

Diguese Your Excellency consider the necessary permission to grant the deed. Cuba January 3, 1871.

Most Excellent Sir

Shelton & Co.

(Illegible Signature)