Item: U.S. Senator William B. Allison to President Arthur – 1881
L.J.T.P.  Number: 200.022
Medium: Letter
Creator: William Boyd Allison
Date: December 14, 1881
Period: Post-Civil War America   1866 – 1900
Keywords: William Boyd Allison, President Chester A. Arthur, James T. Lane, John S. Runnells, W.P. Hepburn
Citation: Allison, William, B. U.S. Senator William B. Allison to President Arthur – 1881. 1881. Washington, D.C.  Library of John T. Pregler, Dubuque.

(Source: Library of John T. Pregler)

LJTP 200.022 – U.S. Senator William B. Allison to President Arthur – 1881






















Text of Letter [sic]

Washington, D.C.

Decr 14, 1881

To the President,

The Iowa delegation in Congress met last night for the purpose among other things of recommending to you a suitable person for the office of Dist Atty for our state in place of Jas. T. Lane whose term has expired.  After comparing views on this subject and after consideration of the merits of several persons disgusted it was agreed by a vote of six for Hon. J. S. Runnells of Des Moines Iowa to three votes for other candidates to recommend Mr. Runnells to you as a suitable person to be appointed and the undersigned Chm and Secy of the meeting were requested to communicate with you on the subject and to express to you this wish & we respectfully do so accordingly and are with great respect your obt sevts,

WB Allison – Chm

W P Hepburn – Secy Iowa Delegation