The Topics directory page is a listing of more common subject matter found under The Lens of History Articles and Archives menu sections. Clicking on a directory will take you to a page showing all related pages. You can use the websites Search function to search for subjects that may not appear in this directory.
African Americans
Rose, Henry
American Presidents
Comiskey, Charles
Faber, Urban “Red”
Loftus, Tom
Rowland, Clarence “Pants”
Sullivan, Ted
Dubuque Minor Leagues
Dubuque Packers
Dubuque Plumpers
Field of Dreams
Civil War
Herron, Francis Jay
Grant, Ulysses S.
Lincoln, Abraham
Simplot, Alexander
Vandever, William
Dubuque, Iowa
Allison, William Boyd
Henderson, David Bremner
Jones, George Wallace
Jones, John Rice
Root, Samuel
Native Americans
Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge Company